VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is a modeling language used to describe interactive 3D objects and environments. It's mainly designed to be used on the Internet, because VRML files are small compared to other 3D environments, therefore fast to download and render. VRML applications range from scientific areas, such as chemistry (e.g., the visualisation of molecules), architecture and engineering to educational examples and entertainment.
  You need a VRML browser plugin to view VRML worlds. I liked CosmoPlayerTR best but unfortunately it's no longer supported. It works with Win95/98/NT. Or try Blaxxun Contact TR for Win2000/ME/XP. Another popular VRML Browser is CortonaTR.
To move around in a VRML world, place the mouse cursor anywhere in the background, hold down left mousekey and drag.


 My worlds 

NOTE: These files have been tested with Cosmo PlayerTR and Blaxxun Contact 4.04TR. They ought to work with other VRML-PlugIns (such as WorldViewTR, CortonaTR etc.) as well, though some might look a bit weird. In case you have a blaxxun plug-in (e.g. blaxxun Contact 4.0TR), please click on the links "blaxxun-version".

Ghost In A Bottle  , (blaxxun-version)  
The ghost appears after you've clicked on the bottle 
They're doing nothing 
Walker , (blaxxun-version) 
Click on him to make him walk ( though he gets tired after four steps) 
Aliens , (blaxxun-version) 
Clicking on them makes them move closer 
Spooky Canyon
Click on the two figures to make them jump into the canyon 
House , (blaxxun-version) 
Walk straight on, click on the door to open it and you can enter the house. The chicken inside should move its wings and make some primitive sounds, when you click on it.
Toadstools , (blaxxun-version) 
Click on the toadstools to watch them growing
Chick , (blaxxun-version) 
Chick in a cracking egg
Spooky Canyon Ghost 
Click "scale" or "move"



 Tutorials and examples

Bob Crispen 
Examples, tools, tutorials, links, worlds, FAQ ... almost everything  
Floppy's VRML Guide 
Great tutorial, in fact the best one I've found on the Web
David R.Nadeau: Courses
A really comprehensive "Introduction to VRML 97"
Daly Realism 
Many useful X3d / VRML examples

V. Bulatov's VRML Corner 
Psychedelic VRML Objects 
Roland's VRML97 Site 
Examples, worlds, protos etc. 

Visual Studies - VRML 
Nice visual studies, small files. Try out "on mars" and "snake" 

VRML Authoring tool 
Ken Perlin's Homepage 
See "Experiments" 




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